Lunch and Learn - "Local Government 101"
Thursday, February 2, 2023 (12:00 PM - 1:00 PM) (PST)
Join us for a special Lunch & Learn on “Local Government 101” presented by Governmental Affairs Liaison, Kevin Dayton. Dayton has a breadth of 31 years of federal, state, and local experience in public policy and politics.
This special event will feature an overview of the many components that make up our local government system here in Monterey County. The session will highlight key areas of importance impacting the local business community.
This special event is a kick-off and in preparation for our Governmental Relations Breakfast taking place February 24th.
The event will include lunch and take place hybrid style. “In-person” space is expected to be limited so be sure to RSVP.
You can refer questions to or (831) 751-7725.

119 East Alisal St
Salinas, CA 93901 United States
Chamber Of Commerce