Ballroom Dancing
Friday, June 24, 2022 8:00 AM - Monday, September 12, 2022 5:00 PM (PDT)
Every Tuesday we will be hosting a Ballroom Dance & Beginning Dance Lessons with Sera Hirasuna at the Active Seniors, Inc. The lesson is from 6pm till 7pm. The Ballroom Dance runs from 7pm to 8:30pm with no break and the refreshment buffet will be open during that entire time. Admission for the dance and the lesson is $9 for ASI Members and $10 for non-members. The lesson and dance are located at the Active Seniors, Inc. 100 Harvest on the corner of Pajaro Street in South Salinas. Sera Hirasuna will be continuing her marvelous dance lessons in 2022. The lessons will be included with the price of the dance. Which is a really great deal. Dance Lesson, Dance with live music and some fun food at the break. Other instructors will be teaching as well, such as Nora McKenna, plus Natasha & Sergei. COVID-19 GUIDELINE AND VIRTUAL ACCESS TO THE DANCE Please Note: Ballroom Dance Covid-19 Guidelines 1. One time vaccination verification required for entry to the dance (Vax Card required.) 2. Mask wearing is optional.
100 Harvest St
Salinas, CA 93901 United States