First 5 Monterey County
Social & Human Services for Individuals & Families Educational Support & Services Educational Resources Non-Profit Organizations
Our Vision All children reach their full potential in a family and community that values and respects childhood. Our Mission To serve as a catalyst to create sustainable change in systems, policies, and practices that enrich the development of children in their FIRST 5 years of life. Guiding Principles The Commission is guided by the principles of integrity, honesty, and mutual respect towards others and encourages inclusiveness, collaboration, and innovation in building an optimal system of support for young children. The Commission endeavors to support programs that are grounded in the best evidence of what works, that are able to demonstrate positive outcomes and that maximize additional sources of financial support. WHO WE ARE First 5 Monterey County, also known as, as the Monterey County Children and Families Commission, was established in 1999 following the passage of Proposition 10, which added a 50 cent per pack tax to all tobacco products. The statewide collected funds are distributed to each county based on annual birthrates and are earmarked to enhance the lives of children from the prenatal stages through age 5 and their families. First 5 Monterey County is responsible for receiving and disbursing Monterey County?s Proposition 10 funds and carrying out the implementation of the California Children and Families Act. The Commission is an independent public agency with a staff of ten that is governed by a seven-member board of Commissioners. We work with over 30 community based organizations to: ensure children are healthy and prepared for school,