2025 Mayors Prayer Breakfast
"Optimism, Collaboration & A Bright Future"
Nearly 400 people gathered for an inspirational annual Mayors Prayer Breakfast at the end of January. The event attracted local pastors, elected officials and business leaders. A record setting attendance included a large representation of students from local, private and public schools. In addition to Salinas Mayor Dennis Donohue, the event featured Seaside Mayor Ian Oglesby and Soledad Mayor Anna Velasquez. Collaboration was mentioned as a priority governing bodies within each City and within the region. Mayor Donohue began the presentations with a message about the opportunity of a new City Council and a bright future. He reflected on the Bible passage Isaiah 43:18 which says, "Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old." The verse encouraged people to let go of the past and focus on the new things God is doing in their lives. " Seaside Mayor Ian Oglesby carried on the optimism to a regional level speaking about how deeply intertwined our communities are. Soledad Mayor Velazquez did a great job to portray the incredible investment and housing taking place in the region and especially in Soledad. The event concluded with messages from Pastor Todd Anderson of Salinas, Pastor Ben Sobel of Corral De Tierra and Pastor Josiah Leuenberger of Monterey. Pastor Anderson underscored the incredible opportunities when the faith community works with government. He optimistically exclaimed, "Let's continue to work together to build a bigger and brighter future for our kids and grandkids.” The event closed with a proclamation written by County Supervisor Luis Alejo and presented by County Supervisor Wendy Askew.