Chamber Endorses Candidates for Salinas Mayor and City Council
Volunteer members of the Candidate Review Committee of your Salinas Valley Chamber of Commerce interviewed and reviewed submitted questionnaires of twelve candidates on Sept. 12 and 13, 2024. Committee members had the responsibility of considering and recommending official Chamber endorsements for these local public offices with competitive races:
1. Mayor of Salinas
2. Salinas City Council District 1
3. Salinas City Council District 3 (two-year term)
4. Salinas City Council District 4
5. Salinas City Council District 6
6. Hartnell Community College District Board of Trustees, Area 1
The Committee asked specific questions about local public policy issues identified as most relevant to Salinas Valley businesses and the economy. Their subsequent endorsement recommendations were presented to your Chamber's Board of Directors at their Sept. 16 meeting for review and approval. The incoming Board Chair then called the candidates who were interviewed to let them know the endorsement decisions. To learn about the deliberate planning and thinking behind the endorsement process, please review the article on page 18 of the July 2024 Business Journal titled "Explaining the Chamber's Candidate Endorsement Process".
You may also contact the Chamber office with comments or questions. The appropriate Chamber representative will get back to you.
Mayor of Salinas- Dennis Donohue - Dennis Donohue was Mayor of Salinas for three terms from 2006 to 2012. He had the misfortune and challenge of being Mayor during the Great Recession, when the City of Salinas significantly reduced city services to balance its budget. But his knowledge of business (including as a former chair of the Chamber Board of Directors) served him well to get the city through this difficult time without seeking bankruptcy protection (the fate of cities such as San Bernardino, Stockton and Vallejo). His knowledge of business (including through his current role as Executive Director of Western Growers Center for Innovation and Technology) and intention to focus on economic development will be a positive position for the Chamber and its members.
Salinas City Council, District 1 - Jose Luis Barajas - In recent years, younger people running for local public offices in Monterey County have been critical of local businesses and regard commerce as a cause of social injustice. In a refreshing contrast to youthful enthusiasm for government intervention in the market, Jose Luis Barajas has a mature, well-founded understanding of how businesses can provide opportunities for prosperity and vibrancy. He has firsthand knowledge of business potential as the Business Support Specialist for the Building Back Better program, coordinated by the Monterey County Business Council in cooperation with the County of Monterey.
Salinas City Council District 3 - Margaret D'Arrigo is an elected board member of the Hartnell Community College District, where she has been "focusing on student success and workforce development." She has a long history of substantial involvement in numerous community organizations and a consistent record of proven support for businesses. She wants to uplift the community by promoting the creation of middle class jobs and by encouraging workforce housing.
Salinas City Council District 4 - Gloria De La Rosa was a member of the Salinas City Council for from 1998 to 2020. During the most intense phase of the COVID-19 public health orders, she decided not to run for office again. She does not like the direction taken by the city council since she left, so she's making a comeback. She was supportive of business concerns during her 22 years in office and holds the same views today. The Chamber endorsed the incumbent councilmember Orlando Osornio four years ago when he ran for an www.SalinasChamber.com open seat. At the time, the Business Journal observed that "Mr. Osornio has valuable perspectives to add to the city council about work ethics, the dangers of excessive debt, and the dilemmas and challenges involved in starting and growing a small business." Councilmember Osornio has indeed advanced those perspectives, but some of his votes have not aligned with Chamber positions.
Salinas City Council District 6 - Aurelio Salazar is another board member of the Hartnell Community College District seeking election to the Salinas City Council. He supports positions that encourage economic growth and quality job creation and touts his experience in bringing together diverse groups to reach solutions.
Hartnell Community College District Board of Trustees Area 1 - The Chamber does not have an endorsement recommendation for this office. This North County district includes Boronda, Moss Landing, Castroville and Prunedale.

Additional Info
Source : Kevin Dayton