Día del Empresario Latino Celebrates 100+ Entrepreneurs
Watsonville, CA
El Pájaro Community Development Corporation ("El Pájaro CDC) and the Regional Women's Business Center ("RWBC") are pleased to present Día del Empresario Latino! A day of practical and dynamic workshops for aspiring entrepreneurs and established business owners presented entirely in Spanish. Entrepreneurs from Santa Cruz, Monterey, and San Benito counties and beyond are welcome to join us!
This event will offer workshops, an entrepreneur panel, networking opportunities, and resource tables. It’s our pleasure to have two amazing leaders speaking on that day!
Maria Gallegos Herrera, California State Director for the U.S Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Development will be the keynote speaker during lunch time.
Elmy Bermejo, Regional Administrator; Region IX, Pacific Region, US Small Business Administrator (SBA) will deliver opening remarks.
Workshop topics include:
- Access to Capital
- Launching your Business
- Food Businesses
- Elevating your Business
- Technology Resources Presented by Google
The event will take place on Sunday, April 14 2024 from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM at the CSUMB @ Salinas City Center located at 1 Main Street, Salinas, CA 93901.
Tickets are available at www.elpajarocdc.org or by calling El Pájaro CDC office at (831)722-1224. Ticket cost: $35 per person and includes light breakfast and lunch. Ticket costs will increase to $45 on the day of the event.
Our conference is expected to bring together more than 140 aspiring and existing entrepreneurs from the region and will be presented entirely in Spanish by bilingual and bicultural experts. Día del Empresario Latino will feature resources from multiple partners that include, U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), City of Salinas, CalSavers, Ventures, Cook Alliance, Wells Fargo, Monterey Bay Economic Partnership (MBEP,) Santa Cruz County Bank, and Google among many others.
This Conference will be presented entirely in Spanish by bilingual and bicultural experts. English translation is available upon request in advance.
For sponsorship opportunities email karlab@elpajarocdc.org.
El Pájaro CDC's Mission is to Promote Equal Access to Economic Opportunity and Transform People's Lives Through Entrepreneurship.