Engage with local employers in-person next month at America’s Job Center in Salinas
Multiple employer job fairs and a specialized recruitment are coming up soon!
Friday, July 26, 2024- Salinas, CA -- Do the dog days of summer got you down? Not to worry, we have great news that’s sure to put a spring back into your step! Monterey County Works has job fairs and a specialized recruitment planned for the month of August at America’s Job Center that are designed to keep even the pickiest jobseeker interested and ready to go! Join us next month at our Salinas office to learn more. Register in advance for these in-person events and get a sneak peek at which employers are attending! Bring a friend. We look forward to seeing you there!
• Wednesday, August 7, 1pm-4pm @ America’s Job Center, Multiple Employer Job Fair, 344 Salinas Street, Suites #205-206, Register here.
• Wednesday, August 21, 1pm-4pm @ America’s Job Center, Multiple Employer Job Fair, 344 Salinas Street, Suites #205-206, Register here.
•Wednesday, August 28, 1pm-4pm @ America’s Job Center, Industry Spotlight Specialized Recruitment- Finance, 344 Salinas Street, Suites #205-206, Register here.
Need help registering for our upcoming events? Reach out to America’s Job Center at (831) 796-3335. Learn more about these events and others on our website at: www.montereycountyworks.com