Salinas Airshow Wins 2024 Award for Best Overall Marketing
International Council of Airshows (ICAS) Recognizes Salinas Airshow
LAS VEGAS - The California International Airshow was the recipient of two prestigious awards at the ICAS International Council of Airshows convention in Las Vegas. The Salinas Airshow was recognized and presented the “Best over all Marketing program for 2024.” There are over 450 air shows in North America, and the Salinas show was # 1 in the entire industry for Marketing effectiveness, creativity, sponsorship and media partner relationships, web site and social media marketing as well as television, radio and newspaper advertising. Director of Marketing Esme Owen and Executive Director Harry Wardwell proudly accepted the award at awards luncheon in Las Vegas on Wednesday, December 11, 2024.
In addition, The California International Airshow Salinas was recognized with a “Gold Pinnacle award” for an outstanding program for improving the experience for Volunteers at the Airshow. Volunteerism is the key to a successful Airshow and Tara Baker, Director of Volunteers was recognized along with the Airshow Board for the creativity and successful program to recognize and honor the dedicated volunteers of the California International Airshow.
Also at the convention, the military released their final schedules for 2025 and 2026 and the California International will host the US Navy Blue Angels on Oct 4-5, 2025, along with the USAF F-16 Viper demonstration. On September 26-27, 2026, the Salinas Airshow has been selected to host the USAF Thunderbirds.
The California International Airshow will celebrate its 44th anniversary in 2025 and is a 501C 3 all-volunteer organization that has raised over $ 9 million for local charities since our inception in 1981.