Hartnell College


Conference Centers and Rooms Schools-Academic-Colleges & Universities Meeting/Event location


The college offers a full complement of services to assist students' educational progress in a one-stop student services format.


Richard Morales

Sharon Albert
Assistant Dean of Career Tech Ed & Applied Science

Celia Anderson
CTE Programs

Emily Brandt
Director of Clinical Education

Mellisa Casillas

Melissa Chin-Parker
Artistic Program Director, The Western Stage

Clint Cowden
Dean of CAD Drafting

Steven Crow
Interim Superintendent/President

Jackie Cruz
VP of Advancement and Development/Foundation

Scott Faust
Director of Communications and Marketing

Berniz House
Public Relations Manager, The Western Stage

Christabel Lozada

Robert Maffei
Instructor (Business Administration)

Karen Martinez
Accounting Assistant

Augustine Nevarez
Director of Student Affairs (Student Life)

Michele Peregin
Director of Public Grant Development

Dr. Celine Pinet
Dean of Academic Affairs (S&B Sci, C&I Supp & FA)

Joanne Pleak
Administrative Assistant III (Room Scheduling)

Terri Pyer
Associate Vice President (Human Resources and EEO)

Aileen Rickert-Ehn
Instructor (ABT/Food Safety)

Lucille Serrano
Executive Assistant to the Superintendant President/Board of Trustees

Steven Triano
Instructor (Agriculture)

Terri Ugale

Cristina Zavala
Executive Assistant - Human Resources

Cristina Zavala
Administrative Assistant

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